Thursday, April 29, 2010
Bowen Skatepark by: Jacquee T. Greenwood Elementary School Waukegan
I went to Bowen Skatepark. Bowen Skatepark looks alike a dried up pool because it once was one. When I go I wear pads and gear then I rollerblade or skateboard. Everyday the skatepark is open I put clothes on and go. I think skateboarding is fun, but rollerblading is awesome. If you decide to go, make sure you know how to stop when you go past the bump or just take the stairs. The park may look small on the outside, but it is big inside. To find Bowen Skatepark take North Sheridan Road. I chose this skatepark because I love to go there and I am across the street from it, but you will like it no matter where you come from.
Thursday, April 22, 2010

My Trip to Six Flags by: Esteban G. Greenwood Elementary School Waukegan

When I went to Six Flags with my family we had to give the workers our season passes. After that we went inside Six Flags. The first thing I saw was the Giant Drop. Then I asked my mom if we could go on it and she said "yes." So I was happy, but that is not the only ride, there is also the Raging Bull. It goes so fast and trust me it is pretty scary sometimes. It can knock your hat off of your head. But my favorite ride is still the Giant Drop. The Octopus is a ride that will get your head dizzy. Six Flags has 13 roller coasters and tons of rides for little kids. You should come visit Six Flags Great America, it is really a lot of fun!
Thursday, April 15, 2010

When I went to Six Flags with my family we had to give the workers our season passes. After that we went inside Six Flags. The first thing I saw was the Giant Drop. Then I asked my mom if we could go on it and she said "yes." So I was happy, but that is not the only ride, there is also the Raging Bull. It goes so fast and trust me it is pretty scary sometimes. It can knock your hat off of your head. But my favorite ride is still the Giant Drop. The Octopus is a ride that will get your head dizzy. Six Flags has 13 roller coasters and tons of rides for little kids. You should come visit Six Flags Great America, it is really a lot of fun!
Jelly Belly Factory by: Hannah C. Greenwood Elementary School Waukegan
I went to the Jelly Belly Factory with my family. It has a jelly bean man sign that says Jelly Belly Factory on the outside and a lot of jelly beans in the inside. What did I do then? I took at Jelly Belly Tour and saw pictures made out of jelly beans and how the jelly beans are made, packaged and more. They also have Jelly Belly stores where you can buy or eat jelly beans, it's so awesome. One more thing I should tell you about this place, it's located in Pleasant Prairie Wisconsin on 10100 Jelly Belly Lane, funny right? Just cross the border from Illinois to Wisconsin.
Now, let me tell you about the first time you'll go to this place. First you'll see all the people there so you'll see how busy it is everyday. Then the staff will ask you if you want to take the tour. Here's the thing you should most definitely say, yes, because the staff member will give you a nice cute little hat to wear. You get to go in a little train, and it's just plain fun! I loved it! Then you should get some jelly beans because they're so delicious. That's why you should go to the Jelly Belly Factory.
Thursday, April 8, 2010

Now, let me tell you about the first time you'll go to this place. First you'll see all the people there so you'll see how busy it is everyday. Then the staff will ask you if you want to take the tour. Here's the thing you should most definitely say, yes, because the staff member will give you a nice cute little hat to wear. You get to go in a little train, and it's just plain fun! I loved it! Then you should get some jelly beans because they're so delicious. That's why you should go to the Jelly Belly Factory.
Tacos El Norte by: Jonathan E. Waukegan School
You have to go to this restaurant it's the nicest restaurant I have ever gone, it's called Tacos El Norte. Outside it has a sign with the restaurant name. Inside it has kinda dark lighting but it looks cool, the lighting is yellow but they do something to it to make it like an orange yellowish. Just because the name has the word tacos in it doesn't mean that's the only thing on the menu, there's chilaguiles, there's hamburgers, fries, chicken and I don't know what else they got. So you should go to that restaurant it is in Gurnee.
Thursday, April 1, 2010

Illinois Beach State Park by: Andrei P. Oak Grove School
Last summer I went to Illinois Beach State Park. When I arrived nobody was there. I went there with my dad and two sisters. I jumped in the water and it was freezing cold! I went back in the sand and Lexi, my sister, poured water on me. It was perfect! Then my dad threw certain rocks into Lake Michigan. Lexi and I raced to see who could find the rock first. Lexi found seven and I found nine. After the rock game we started walking down the beach and found a little stream. It was warmer than Lake Michigan and it was shallow. At the end of the stream my dad found a little tadpole. He caught the tadpole and tried to push it with the water onto the sand so he wouldn't hurt it, but unfortunately he buried the tadpole with sand. Finally we went home and I am waiting to go again next summer.